Sitka Gear in Europe

    A vision:

      Hunting is no longer a question of life or death for most of us. We do not rely on wildlife for obtaining food, shelter, clothing or tools. Modern societies provide what once we had to obtain by ourselves, which poses an interesting question: if you don’t need to hunt, why bother?

      Why wake up hours before dawn in order to reach your hunting area? Why spend the weekends travelling kilometres in the mountains or sitting for hours while watching inhospitable landscapes in search of meat when you can buy it in the store?

      Whether due to inclination or personal preference, the decision to hunt establishes a way of relating to nature that involves an unquestionable responsibility and a high level of commitment. The hunting experience impacts our relationship with the natural world; it offers a connection with oneself that we can rarely find in a world increasingly occupied and industrialised. The very act of hunting makes us more aware and free.

      SITKA Gear originated from the belief that the hunting experience is as important, if not more important, than harvesting. Going to places where almost no one goes; having uncommon experiences and impressive moments that are only shown after an incessant search. Hunting provides a focus of the natural environment that we rarely notice with daily distractions. A sensitive connection with the environment that merges us with nature; no longer being an observer but rather forming part of that which surrounds us. This connection roots us, it gives us a very necessary perspective and shapes our lives much beyond the day that we spend in the countryside.


          Founded in 2005, SITKA® Gear was an idea generated from necessity. Like many stories, this one began with an epic trip that ended with a clear vision.


          “After 1000 m of vertical climbing in the dark, with intermittent snow flurries and sleet, the ascension of the mountain ended behind a large pine tree with white bark in search of some protection against the elements. Cold and wet with sweat drenching our clothing after the climb, the question was clear: why is hunting equipment so inadequate? Supporting ourselves on our solid career and experience in settings of climbing, mountaineering and outdoor activities, we concentrated all our knowledge and experience on considering just what the needs of a hunter were and we searched untiringly until we found the best solutions. But the principal objective of Sitka Gear is not only to find the fabrics patterns or designs that fill the technological gaps regarding the clothing usually used for hunting, but also to propose new technologies and solutions that allow the hunter to go farther.


          We could say that Sitka Gear is simply the best high-performance system on the market for hunting; but it is something more, it is a philosophy: finding the road that allows you to go farther, for a longer time and with greater comfort; in short, it allows you to achieve better hunting experiences!!


              After becoming part of the GORE Group, Sitka Gear was already the leading brand in the U.S. market in 2016, when it decided to take on the European market.  

              Singular and traditional, with common aspects and others radically different to the American market, the European hunting market represents a new challenge for Sitka Gear.

              The snow, the water, the mountains and of course the eyesight, sense of smell and hearing of the animals are common. But the hunting style and modalities on some occasions differ.

              The question is, does this reduce the capacity and the effectiveness of the Sitka Gear apparel?

              For Sitka Gear, “the hunters” –its potential customers– do not form a homogeneous collective. The needs of a hunter waiting hidden in the cliffs of Iceland for the passing of aquatic species, climbing the steep Alpine mountainsides after a chamois or stalking roebucks in rut on a hot August morning are not the same.

              For this reason, four major product lines, Waterfowl, Open Country, Subalpine and Elevated II, present a large quantity of equipment that covers all the needs of hunters according to the hunting modality, the level of physical activity, the climate and the species to hunt.

              Therefore, this is the answer: the nationality of the hunter or the hunting modality practiced does not matter, because Sitka Gear does not think of hunters as a homogeneous group, it thinks of providing specific solutions that allow each hunter to find his way to a more satisfactory hunting experience.

              What is clear, in this equation there is no place for superfluous details more related to fashion than to effectiveness. Behind each design, fabric or element of Sitka Gear apparel there is just one objective: for it to take each hunter farther than he has ever gone before.

                Distributors of Sitka Gear:

                  As we said earlier “SITKA Gear originated from the belief that the hunting experience is as important, if not more important, than harvesting”.

                  This means that its objective is not only to design the best hunting equipment on the market, it also intends for the process that leads to this objective to involve a new standard of commitment and responsibility that serves as a reference for the rest of the brands dedicated to hunting apparel. Sharing the values that drive the modern hunter involves investing, producing, distributing and communicating according to these values.

                  Thus, Sitka Gear invests in efficient organisations that improve the future of hunting, wildlife, habitat preservation and the access to nature; it backs global initiatives of Okeo-Tex® for implementing ecological and socially responsible textile manufacturing; it educates and supports its distributors so they can offer the best service possible to their customers and communicate this entire process in such a way that the hunters understand that Sitka Gear equipment is part of an ethical, modern and sustainable concept of hunting.

                  When Sitka Gear offered us here at Bowland Hunting to be part of this process and participate in the search for dealers capable of transmitting these principles to their customers, we did not hesitate. Being part of Sitka Gear is to form part of a process, an experience, which connects you directly with the principles and values that make hunting sustainable in this modern society.

                  If you share this vision with us, from Bowland we want to invite you to join this experience. We are sure that belonging to the Sitka Gear community will help you be a leader within our market.